Sports Injury Therapy and Rehabilitation
Have you got a sports injury which is preventing you from enjoying your sporting life? Are you frustrated at the rate at which you’re recovering? Are you unsure when you will be able to return to sport and need help with your recovery? Are you keen to prevent a reoccurrence of the same injury? Do you need a sports massage?
If the answer to any of the above is yes then don’t hesitate to book a consultation at Body2Fit where we specialise in getting to the root of a sports injury. Our physiotherapists look carefully at what is causing the problem and can explain how they can help you feel better and return to sport as quickly as possible. They can advise you as to what you’ve injured and provide appropriate physiotherapy treatments, designed to help you recover in the shortest time possible. They can guide you as to the optimal time to resume sporting activity and how to progress this in the most sensible way. They can also work with you to improve your technique, helping you reduce the risk of injuries recurring and improving your sports performance.